Book Summary of The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

Create A Morning Ritual To Change Your Life

Introduction-Book Summary of The Miracle Morning

Learn How Developing A Morning Routine Can Transform Your Life

This book summary of The Miracle Morning shows how your morning routine is the best place to start if you want a happy and full life. Numerous high earners, top managers, multimillionaires, and Media personalities are early risers who probably accomplish more before you’ve even poured your first cup of coffee. But getting up early is only one aspect of it. In The Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod discusses the significance of developing a morning routine that includes six practical tasks that you can use to begin building the life you’ve always desired.

In this summary you will learn:

  • How to alter your daily routine and way of thinking in order to realize your aspirations and goals.
  • What professional athletes do to achieve their goals.
  • The true cost of pushing the snooze button.
  • How to maintain a good habit.

Book Summary of The Miracle Morning-Main Idea 1

Everyone Has the Potential To Succeed

The typical American has less than one close friend, $10,000 in debt, is overweight and dissatisfied with their career. Evidently, the majority of Americans are living lives that are drastically below their potential.

According to the Social Security Administration, if you pick 100 people at the start of their working lives and follow them for 40 years, only one will have amassed significant wealth, four will be financially secure, five will need to keep on working, 36 will have sadly died, and 54 will rely on friends and family for financial support. These numbers certainly present a bleak picture. This indicates that a startling 95% of them aren’t living the life they desired for themselves, assuming that none of them had intended to simply “get by” during their lives.

Financial success is linked to a feeling of freedom since you don’t have to worry about making ends meet or being in over your head in debt. Additionally, research indicates that Americans are using more prescription drugs than ever before, one in two marriages in the country are dissolving, Americans are in greater personal debt than ever before, obesity has become an epidemic, and heart disease and cancer are on the rise. 

Despite all of this, we are capable of leading successful lives by making things better. Hal Elrod, the author, is a wonderful illustration of this. Elrod lost consciousness after an automobile collision for six minutes. He was told by his doctors, after he recovered from a prolonged coma that he had severe brain damage and might never be able to walk normally again. But he was able to bounce back.

He was able to live the life of his desires and reach his potential because he accepted his circumstances rather than wishing they were different.

Book Summary of The Miracle Morning-Main Idea 2

Looking Backwards Stops You From Growing

Have you ever considered the possibility that the way you view your life may be the very thing keeping you from reaching your full potential? Most of us have a tendency to base our decisions on the past, which is referred to as Rearview Mirror Syndrome (RMS).

If you have RMS, you see of yourself as the person you were before, and the constraints of your former experiences guide your choices and judgments. As a result, you frequently decline new opportunities since you have never taken advantage of them. For instance, someone who finds it difficult to commit to their lover due to previous unsuccessful relationships is likely suffering from RMS.

Along with RMS, seeing everything as an Isolated Incident is another factor that prevents us from achieving our full potential. This means that we treat the events in our lives as though they were unconnected from everything else.

For instance, you might believe that skipping your workout today is fine since you can always work out tomorrow. However, your choice genuinely affects who you become rather than simply this particular period of time. When he writes, “How you do anything is how you do everything,”

Therefore, if you focus on isolated instances, you wind up being more forgiving of yourself, and the things you consider to be the exception instead become the rule. As a result, you are limited in your ability to realize your dreams and only succeed to the extent that your justifications permit. You must alter your perspective if you want to design a life that fits your needs. Making excuses and reflecting on the past will do nothing but impede your progress.

Book Summary of The Miracle Morning-Main Idea 3

Stop Hitting The Snooze Button

Maybe you’ve come to the conclusion that your life has to alter. But where do you even begin? Okay, let me ask you a short question. Did you hit the snooze button on your alarm this morning?

A lot of us do so what’s the problem? Hitting the snooze button prevents us from waking up motivated. You are telling yourself subliminally that you don’t want to face your life, your experiences, or the day ahead every time you reach for that button.

Consider those who struggle with depression. The hardest part of the day for many people is frequently the morning. Your chances of having a fulfilling day are decreased when you put off getting out of bed. On the other hand, if you start each day with a goal in mind, you’ll be on your way to creating a joyful existence.

If you discover that you’re consistently lethargic in the morning, try altering the way you view sleep. Have you ever woken up on a special day feeling absolutely exhausted? Most likely not. If it’s your birthday, your wedding day, or Christmas morning, you probably woke up feeling energized and eager for the day ahead even if you just had a few hours of sleep.

This is because how we feel when we wake up is greatly influenced by the thoughts we have about how we sleep. The issue with the majority of us is what Elrod discovered for himself: if you say to yourself before bedtime, “This is way too little sleep, I will feel fatigued tomorrow,” you’ve already ruined your morning before you’ve even drifted off.

Even with only four hours of sleep, he felt rested when he reminded himself that he would feel well in the morning.

Book Summary of The Miracle Morning-Main Idea 4

Wake Up Motivated by Changing Your Routine

What steps can you take to quit squandering your life away in sleep and start achieving your potential? Changing your morning routine by increasing your Wake Up Motivation Level is one big step you can take.

On a scale of one to 10, where ten represents eagerness to embrace the day ahead and one represents a preference to simply roll back into bed, this level can be described. Fortunately, using a few simple strategies can increase your alertness and vigor during your morning routine.

You should first promise yourself that you’ll wake up feeling rested the next morning before going to bed. It will be much easier for you to get up if you can find a way to look forward to the next day. Next, put your alarm clock on the wall opposite your bed in the room so that to switch it off when it rings in the morning, you’ll have to get out of bed.

Get out of bed, turn off the alarm, then go to the bathroom and brush your teeth. You’ll feel more awake and refreshed after doing this first thing in the morning. After then, get a glass of water from the kitchen and down it as quickly as you can. After losing water through breathing throughout the night, this enables you to hydrate again. It’s crucial to keep in mind that dehydration might really make you feel drained.

You can combat stress by engaging in morning purposeful quiet. Like the majority of us, it’s very likely that you experience stress. Utilizing the Miracle Morning’s first step is a potent approach to lessen this. This entails setting aside some time after you wake up for deliberate silence.

Meditation is one form of purposeful stillness; it’s a common stress-reduction method used by many people in demanding professions. So how can you incorporate intentional silence into your daily activities? You could give the Miracle Morning Meditation a try. 

Take a break from your concerns and focus solely on yourself before you begin. Sit cross-legged and upright in a quiet, comfortable area, such as a pillow or the couch. Then, either close your eyes or stare at the ground in front of you. Focus on how you are breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Slowly inhale into your belly rather than your chest. Then, pace your breathing by taking three seconds to inhale and three seconds to exhale. Thoughts should be avoided, but if they do arise, just return your attention to your breath.

Even though it could be challenging at first, practicing every day will make it easier with time. You’ll notice a gradual decline in your stress levels and an increase in motivation.

Book Summary of The Miracle Morning-Main Idea 5

Use Affirmations and Visualization To Build a Better Life

Every person has ongoing streams of thoughts that are based on their prior experiences and that, depending on how we choose to use them, can either work for or against us.

You can practice the following techniques to transform some of your thoughts into powerful affirmations: Clarify your goals by asking yourself why you want what you want, and then ask yourself what you’re willing to do to get there or even simply to the next level. Describe and write down how you want your life to appear in every area.

Make sure to recite your affirmations aloud to yourself at least once per day after you’ve written it. Visualization or mental rehearsal is a powerful technique that you should have at your disposal if you want to be successful. You can use this technique to picture the perfect version of yourself, your aspirations, and your life.

For instance, if you want to write a book, picture yourself being inspired and having a great time sitting down at your desk and penning page after page. When you ask yourself questions such, “What do I want,” your affirmations might help you picture the solutions. Why do I desire it? and “What have I promised to do to get there?”

The tools of affirmation and visualization are effective. Your viewpoint on your everyday routine will shift as a result of visualizing the life of your dreams and telling yourself that you are willing to take the necessary steps to make it a reality.

Book Summary of The Miracle Morning-Main Idea 6

Exercise Jumpstarts Motivation


Most people don’t exercise because they feel they are far too busy. Our lives seem to be so full with activities that by nightfall we frequently feel completely spent. So instead of putting it off till later, why not try working out early thing in the morning? Even while we are all aware of the advantages, such as a lower risk of disease and simply feeling good because you’re in shape, too few of us really manage to exercise during the day.

We are aware that our days will be busy because crucial chores and last-minute appointments occasionally arise. We are frequently too worn out to exercise at the end of the day and simply flop on the couch. Even though we are aware of how crucial exercise is, we frequently ignore it. But scheduling it into our morning can truly help us succeed.

Utilizing a yoga DVD as your morning workout is one option. Watching a 7 minute workout video on Youtube is another. The author practices yoga for 20 minutes each day by following a DVD with instructions. This enables him to sustain higher levels of energy throughout the day, helps him focus, and wakes him up.



Book Summary of The Miracle Morning-Main Idea 7

Read and Write Every Morning

After working out, the next phase of your Miracle Morning should be spent concentrating on your personal development. You can reflect on your accomplishments and take steps to achieve your goals in life through reading and writing, two important hobbies. Reading personal development books in the morning is one efficient way to quickly learn from those who have succeeded. We can all find a little time to read.

Books are available on a variety of topics, including boosting your income, fostering better relationships, and starting a business. Aiming for at least ten pages per day is a decent reading goal. This implies reading for ten to twenty minutes per day, depending on your reading speed. Rereading, underlining, or circling pertinent material also helps you remember the information that is most important to you.

Writing will come next. Why is this relevant to us? Well, spending just five to ten minutes writing each morning will hasten your personal development. It can be really helpful to put your ideas, emotions, and insights in writing.

For instance, Elrod saw that he was much happier and felt more thankfulness for his life as a result of the ability his writing gave him to concentrate on both the accomplishments he had already made and the objectives he wished to accomplish in the future. He accomplished this by creating two columns on the page, Lessons Learned and New Commitments. This motivated him to stick with the improvements he wanted to make in his life and helped him quit making the same errors. 

By journaling every day, you can reflect on what you’ve learned, get insight into your challenges and successes, and mark your progress as you go.

Book Summary of The Miracle Morning-Main Idea 8

Customize Your Morning Ritual

It’s critical to learn how to modify the six morning routines that can lead to fulfillment and success now that you’ve been introduced to them. Depending on how much time is beneficial for you, you can take less or more. If you’d like, you can divide the hour’s 60 minutes into various ways while you get ready for the day. For instance, if you feel that working out will help you more than the other activities, you may spend 30 minutes working out and 5 minutes on each of the other activities.

If the idea of adding anything additional to your schedule makes you anxious, just pick six minutes and divide them as follows:

  • Spend the first minute in silence.
  • Second, repeat your affirmations.
  • Third, visualize your day going well.
  • Fourth, write down some things for which you are grateful and the goals you have for the day.
  • Five involves reading two pages of a book.
  • Sixth, do some yoga, pushups or crunches.

The timing and location of your Miracle Morning can also change to give your new habit even more freedom. For instance, the author frequently travels and performs his Miracle Morning on the go while bringing some yoga instruction, a book, and a journal. So doing allows him to meditate, pray, recite affirmations, and picture his objectives from anyplace.

You might perform your Miracle Morning when you get up much later in the day if you work night shifts. The only thing that is absolutely necessary is that you set aside some time specifically for self-improvement.

Book Summary of The Miracle Morning-Main Idea 9

Do the 30 Day Challenge

The Miracle Morning works best when you commit to it and practice it frequently, just like any other healthy habit. Finding a partner to serve as your accountability partner is one efficient approach to make this happen. Everybody has had those days when we had every intention of going to the gym but chose not to because we didn’t feel like it. We would be much more motivated to arrive if a friend were waiting for us, though.

When other people hold us responsible for our actions, we adhere more readily. Find a buddy who wants to participate in the Miracle Morning with you. In this manner, you can both phone one another to check on one another’s progress. You might also become a member of an online community if meeting someone is difficult. You should be prepared to commit yourself to the 30 Day Miracle Morning Transformation Challenge because we are aware that it takes about 30 days to establish a habit.

Three phases make up the Transformation Challenge. The first 10 days can be challenging and especially tough to handle; the next ten days get better but remain strange and unsettling. The last 10 days, though, are when your new habit will start to become a part of who you are and become enjoyable.

For instance, the author, who at first detested jogging, committed to running every day for a solid 30 days. Ten days in, he was on the verge of giving up. He battled daily with the voice within his head that persuaded him it was okay to give up. He didn’t, though. From days 11 to 20, he stopped detesting running and began to regard it as normal. He noticed that it was almost delightful as the final stage approached.

Final thoughts
The main idea of this work is:

Our morning routine holds the key to leading a successful, meaningful life. 

Start living the life of our desires by following these six steps every morning: 

  • Silence.
  • Affirmations.
  • Visualization.
  • Exercise.
  • Reading.
  • Writing. 

Beginning each day with these quick tasks has a profoundly good impact on our life in general and sets the tone for an effective, successful day.

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