Book Summary of Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson

Introduction- Book Summary of Who Moved My Cheese?

Don't Be Afraid of Change!

This book summary of Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson M.D. teaches you to not be afraid of changes; instead, see change as an adventure!

Who Moved My Cheese? is a new parable with a relevant message for a world that is changing faster than ever.  Learning to overcome fear, dealing with major life changes gracefully, and charting a course to realize your dreams are all issues that everyone faces in life.

Who Moved My Cheese is about two mice named Sniff and Scurry, and two little people named Hem and Haw, who all  live in a maze in this story. As they make their way through the maze in search of cheese, it becomes clear that their journey is more than just about finding food; it is also about better understanding human nature.

Learn why thinking like a “simple” mouse may help you achieve your goals; and how to visualize your goals to increase your chances of success.

Book Summary of Who Moved My Cheese Main Idea 1

Your "Cheese" or the Status Quo May Be Paralyzing You.

Your “cheese” or your status, achievements and the way things are today may be paralyzing you.

Sniff and Scurry, the two mice, don’t dwell on things too much. Instead, they spend their time running up and down the corridors of their maze, looking for cheese. This seemingly “brainless” approach by these two mice to achieving their goal is instructive, and is frequently the most effective method in achieving your own goals. Indeed, acting without overthinking can save you time and energy.

If there is no cheese at the end of a path, Sniff and Scurry simply turn around and scramble down another path – without becoming angry or frustrated. 

Hem and Haw were also searching for cheese in the maze, but not for food. Instead, they imagined that finding cheese would make them happy and successful. Hem and Haw used their more “complex” brains to devise strategies for finding cheese, memorizing the maze’s dark corners and blind alleys. Despite their best efforts, they frequently became disoriented and lost their way. And whenever the couple came up empty-handed, they became depressed, wondering if happiness was ever possible.

We, too, have a tendency to overcomplicate things in “real” life. We not only overthink issues or events, but we also get too attached to the status quo.

Finally, Hem and Haw discovered a massive supply of fancy, imported cheese down one corridor, at Cheese Station C. Every day, they made it a point to get up early and go to the station for a snack. Nonetheless, the couple’s life gradually began to revolve around the Cheese Station C feast. They felt at ease and proud of it, but they also began to take it for granted.

When we find success or “our cheese,” like Hem and Haw, we can quickly become dependent on it, to the point where our entire life revolves around it.

Book Summary of Who Moved My Cheese Main Idea 2

Good Things Don't Last Forever, So Be Prepared For Change

In the book, Who Moved My Cheese, Hem and Haw awoke one morning to discover that their cheese had vanished and they panicked. Indeed, sooner or later, change occurs. Being aware of this can assist you in keeping a closer eye on your current situation in order to better anticipate the change ahead.

Sniff and Scurry, on the other hand, never took the stash for granted and were always on the lookout for any changes in the supply. As a result, the two mice noticed that the amount of cheese was gradually but steadily decreasing. If you expect things to stay the same, you may miss signs that they are changing. Hem and Haw were so enamored with the cheese that they didn’t notice the stash dwindling or when it began to mold!

Sometimes our beliefs about ourselves make it difficult to accept change. If you believe you deserve success, good health, and an endless supply of cheese, anything that takes these things away will feel unfair – so much so that you may deny that change is taking place at all.

Cheese Station C, Hem and Haw reasoned, was a reward for their efforts. After all, they had spent a significant amount of time looking for it! So when the stash vanished, they simply couldn’t accept reality. This is not a situation you want to be in. Instead, keep an eye out for signs of change in your life and adjust as soon as possible. The sooner you do, the sooner you’ll be able to find your way back.

When Sniff and Scurry realized that Cheese Station C was almost out of cheese, they moved on without fuss. Fortunately, they discovered a large stash at another station, Cheese Station N.

Hem and Haw were not so fortunate. Unable to cope, the pair returned to the deserted station, becoming increasingly hungry, depressed, and weak.

Learn from these two “little people”: The sooner you adapt to change and the less you hem and haw, the better off you’ll be.

Book Summary of Who Moved My Cheese Main Idea 3

Visualize Your Goals to Overcome the Fear That Stops You From Dealing with Change

Why do so many of us, like Hem and Haw, get caught off guard by major changes? Fear is the cause. Fear is what makes dealing with change so difficult. After all, change necessitates dealing with a new situation and a new set of rules. It’s natural to be afraid of change because it can be both disorienting and frustrating.

For example, once they realized the Cheese Station C was empty, Hem and Haw had to go back into the maze to find food. They were concerned that they would become disoriented or end up in a dark alley with no way out. But keep in mind that as long as you’re afraid to leave your comfort zone, nothing will improve.

Consider that your partner has left you or that an injury has prevented you from participating in your favorite sport. The loss of love, of movement, can be devastating. However, you will not be able to recover until you find a new way to fill your life with things that bring you joy. This necessitates the search for new opportunities.

Even though Hem and Haw were hungry, they were too afraid to venture into the maze. Instead, they smashed through the walls of Cheese Station C, hoping to find something to eat behind them! But it was all in vain. Haw eventually figured out how to deal with his fear. He imagined himself atop a massive wedge of his favorite cheese, soft-rind French Brie.

Indeed, vividly visualizing your goal will increase your desire to achieve it. So, if you find yourself stuck or unable to overcome your fear, visualize your goal. This will fuel your desire and provide you with the energy to move forward.

Book Summary of Who Moved My Cheese Main Idea 4

Change Your Path and Things Will Improve

Dare to take a new path, and things will improve. Haw moved on to find new cheese after visualizing his goal. But Hem would not budge. He remained at the empty cheese station, angry and emaciated, and, most importantly, far too afraid to go out and find cheese. Haw’s experience improved dramatically at the same time.

When you take a new path, you learn how to better accept change. If you can overcome your fears just once, you’ll have the confidence to move forward the next time you’re confronted with change. Fear will no longer paralyze you as it once did. Even though he was alone and scared when he began his journey, Haw found the courage to continue. However, he gradually gained confidence. Despite finding only a few bits of cheese early on, he was proud of himself for having come so far. Life just felt better now that he wasn’t ruled by his fears.

Haw learned an important lesson: the fear you allow to build up in your mind before moving in a new direction is usually much more intense than the new situation deserves! And once you get moving, things are likely to improve. Sure, sometimes a new situation can be “cheeseless.” But don’t worry! There is always new cheese to be discovered.

Your new “cheese” could be a new friend, a new job, or even a new way of dealing with conflicts or conducting business. All you have to do is get out of your comfort zone and start looking. Haw gradually regained his full strength and confidence. He searched the maze with bated breath until he found Cheese Station N and tons of cheese – the location where Sniff and Scurry had been all along.

Book Summary of Who Moved My Cheese Main Idea 5

Apply These Lessons To Achieve Your Goals!

So, how can you use the lessons of this parable to improve your business or your life? Consider telling the story of Hem, Haw, Sniff, and Scurry to your team. They may begin to view change more positively and the potential benefits it can bring to an organization.

You can also learn a lot by asking yourself which character you identify with. People who have a soft spot for the mice Sniff and Scurry, for example, could be the change agents your organization requires.

People who “sniff” are excellent observers. They are able to predict larger changes in a marketplace by noticing the smallest of changes. Sniffs can also help companies discover new products and competitive advantages, as well as update their corporate vision.

“Scurrys,” on the other hand, like to get things done quickly. These employees should be encouraged to act in accordance with the new corporate vision.

The “Hems” of your organization, on the other hand, frequently feel unsafe during times of change. This could be a problem, especially if they can’t summon the courage to transform into “Haws.” You’ll have to put in a lot of effort to show them how change can benefit them.

The “little people” and mice’s experiences can teach your team to be on the lookout for new opportunities. Consider how our parable concludes. Despite the fact that there was plenty of cheese at Cheese Station N, Haw, having learned his lesson, continued exploring the maze in search of other stashes.

Indeed, what works today may not work tomorrow. As the environment changes, so must your business, or you will be left behind.

So, even when things appear to be going well, keep an eye out for new and exciting opportunities.

In conclusion

This book’s main message is:


  • If there is one constant in life, it is that change is unavoidable.
  • How do you deal with change? 
  • To not only survive but thrive in a changing environment, you must cultivate the attitude and mindset that makes adapting to change less frightening and more rewarding.
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